About Us
Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST) is a National Science Foundation (NSF) program that makes resources available to enhance the research capabilities of minority-serving institutions through the establishment of centers that effectively integrate education and research.
Building upon the salient accomplishments of IDEALS I, the Phase II CREST Center for Interface Design and Engineered Assembly of Low-dimensional Systems (IDEALS II) addresses the need to strengthen the nation's leadership in materials capabilities in the frontier areas of quantum materials, bioinspired reconfigurable materials, and photonic materials and technologies, elevating CCNY as a premier research institution in these fields.
IDEALS I advanced the state of the art in materials research producing over 120 peer-reviewed publications in leading journals and over 200 presentations at national and international conferences. It helped develop the future science and technology leaders by building a highly skilled community of researchers comprising 27 doctoral students, with 11 PhDs awarded, and over fifty undergraduates involved in academic year and summer research.
The innovative IDEALS II research activities are organized into three synergistic interdisciplinary subprojects entitled: (1) Emergent Quantum Materials and Functions; (2) Bioinspired Reconfigurable Materials to Scale; and (3) Frontiers in Photonics: Materials, Phenomena and Devices.
IDEALS II researchers are poised to discover and design new materials, develop sophisticated probing techniques, introduce applications and generate intellectual property with profound scientific impact. IDEALS II aims to have far-reaching societal impacts by continuing to educate a community of scientists and engineers that will help transform the materials landscape of the US and the world.
In IDEALS II, we will continue to apply the proven interventions developed and implemented in IDEALS I, and introduce new ones, with the goal of producing a talented national workforce capable of leading the materials research endeavors in the 21st century. The new evidence based interventions, organized according to three overarching goals: enriching the educational experience, augmenting workforce training through recruitment, retention and mentoring, and transforming the institution.
Three long-term transformative institutional outcomes are being pursued: enhancing the doctoral student body across CUNY science and engineering disciplines, implementing schemes to grow the Chemistry, Physics and Engineering faculty ranks in materials research, by the creation of a Presidential Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, and elevating CCNY's research standing and leveraging IDEALS II resources and accomplishments to successfully compete for a large Center grant.
IDEALS II Research Partner Institutions:

The CREST Center for Interface Design and Engineered Assembly of Low Dimensional Systems (IDEALS) addresses the national need for "accelerating the pace of discovery and deployment of advanced material systems" as stated in the Materials Genome Initiative. A multidisciplinary team of researchers with complementary interests has come together to design and discover materials with new and enhanced functionalities that culminate from the control of the salient unique properties of surfaces, interfaces and defects in self-assembled nanomaterials; and to further technology, energy and health applications. Scientists and engineers from the City College of New York (CCNY) and their partners at Lehman College, the CUNY Advanced Science Research Center, the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, and Virginia Tech employ experimental, analytical and numerical modeling tools to design and discover complex novel materials with new and enhanced functionalities and integrate education and research to enhance these enterprises within IDEALS.
The research activities of IDEALS are organized into three interdisciplinary, synergistic Subprojects entitled: (1) Low-Dimensional Functional Materials and Nano-Heterostructures (2) Bio-inspired Re-Configurable Materials; and (3) Novel Materials Probes and Design Formalism. They are schematically depicted by the three circles in Figure 1.

IDEALS Research Partners:

The research activities of IDEALS rest on an Integrated Research and Education Platform (Figure 2) that supports a range of programs intended to interact with the research process and enhance the student experience to produce a highly skilled, successful and diverse student body at the doctoral level in Science and Engineering.
The overarching goal of IDEALS is to transform the doctoral and postdoctoral student experience in order to engender global and interdisciplinary Materials Science and Engineering leaders of the future, as delineated in the Strategic Plan of the Materials Genome Initiative, whose ranks will benefit fully from our society's diverse population. The Center implements both innovative and proven Integrated Research and Educational Training practices that transform the experience of all graduate students and postdocs enabling them to develop leadership skills, a global perspective, and the skills for success in academic and industrial environments.

IDEALS Outreach and Education Partners:

About The Leadership Team

Maria Tamargo
Center Director
Maria Tamargo is a Professor of Chemistry at CCNY and is on the doctoral faculty of Chemistry, Physics and Electrical Engineering. Her research deals with molecular beam epitaxy of low dimensional layered materials and nanostructures of wide band gap semiconductors, topological insulators, and other materials. She is a member of the National Academy of Engineering (2020).

Donna McGregor
Outreach and Education Programs co-Director
Donna McGregor is an Associate Professor of Chemistry at Lehman College and is on the Chemistry doctoral faculty. Her research interests are in the fields of Chemical Education Pedagogy, the understanding of Tc-99 coordination chemistry, and the use of short peptide building blocks for the intelligent design of chelating systems and nanostructures. She is PI of the IDMinNYC REU Site.

Anthony Richardson
Center Administrator
Anthony Richardson is the IDEALS Center Administrator, responsible for coordinating the management and reporting responsibilities of the Center. He is also the Coordinator of the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program supported by IDEALS.

Lia Krusin-Elbaum
Subproject 1 Director
Lia Krusin-Elbaum is a Professor of Physics at CCNY and is on the doctoral faculty of Physics. Her research deals with complex nanostructured materials, topological insulators and other novel quantum materials. She is also the IRG-I co-director of the newly awarded Columbia University-CCNY MRSEC on Precision Assembled Quantum Materials (PAQM).

Ilona Kretzschmar
Subproject 2 Director
Ilona Kretzschmar is a Professor of Chemical Engineering at CCNY's Grove School of Engineering, and is on the doctoral faculty of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry. Her research is based on the study of nano and microparticles, such as Janus and Patchy particles, their directed self-assembly, and their use in energy and sensing applications. She currently serves as Chair of the Chemical Engineering department at the Grove School of Engineering.

Swapan K. Gayen
Subproject 3 Director
Swapan K. Gayen is a Professor of Physics at CCNY and is on the Physics and Electrical Engineering doctoral faculties. His research is on ultrafast lasers and spectroscopy of nanoscale materials and devices, and its combination with scanning probe techniques, to investigate the physics of novel nanostructures and their applications.